ALT West Midlands Region Learning Technology Group (WMRLTG) Meeting

ALT West Midlands Region Learning Technology Group (WMRLTG) Meeting

By Cheryl Howells

Date and time

Monday, November 14, 2016 · 10am - 2pm GMT


Coventry University

Disruptive Media Learning Lab, Frederick Lanchester Library Gosford Street Coventry CV1 5DD United Kingdom


Beginning with distance learning, moving through blended models and now evidenced by moocs, coocs and micro-learning, the application of technology to learning has caused massive disruption and has had significant impacts on many learners, educators and organisations. Technologies initially employed in the workplace or intended for social use are now also adding to the changes experienced by educators.

So what does this ‘disruption’ mean for learning technologists? What is our role in supporting educators? How can we help to ensure that learning technology has a positive impact on the lives and futures of our learners and that it is used to remove, rather than reinforce, existing inequalities in both access to learning and wider society?

Disruptive Learning’ is the topic for the ALT West Midlands Region Group’s second meeting.

Join us at Coventry University on Monday 14th November at 10am. Lunch will be available at 1pm

To express your interest in offering to present, lead a discussion or contribute to a Pecha Kucha please complete the sign up sheet

Closing date for expression of interest is 5pm 4th November.

Food and drink will be available at 1pm. When you register please indicate any special dietary requirements.

Organized by

ALT WMRLTG Secretary

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