Embedding educational technologies in early years education

Keywords: early years education, educational technology, ICT, practitioner attitudes, rationales


This survey of 335 practitioners builds on research which challenged the view that educational technologies are rarely used in early years settings. Previous research tends to focus on individual devices. This research looks at the range of devices being used and, instead of investigating how often they are used, considers how they support pedagogical practice. Findings support the view that early years practitioners are accessing a wider range of technologies and that these technologies are being used in more pedagogically appropriate ways than has previously been reported. Educational technologies appear to be increasingly embedded within early years education. Overall, attitudes towards educational technology are positive. Beliefs, however, are more likely to be linked to the social rationale, that children need access to technology because they are surrounded by it in everyday life, than the pedagogical rationale, that technology enhances learning. It may be necessary to review documentation to ensure that policy and practice focus more specifically on learning and teaching.



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Author Biographies

Christine Jack, Durham University

Christine Jack is a doctoral student at the School of Education, Durham University Her research interests include the use of educational technologies in early years education.

Steve Higgins, Durham University

Steve Higgins is a professor at the School of Education, Durham University. His research interests include the area of effective use of information and communications technology (ICT) and digital technologies for learning in schools.


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How to Cite
Jack C., & Higgins S. (2019). Embedding educational technologies in early years education. Research in Learning Technology, 27. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v27.2033
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